We are pleased to announce that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has awarded Inventor Donald Leka, Founder and CEO of Jumptuit, a new AI and Blockchain technology patent, “SYSTEM AND METHOD OF CORRELATING MULTIPLE DATA POINTS TO CREATE A NEW SINGLE DATA POINT.”
This AI and Blockchain Technology invention relates to a system and method for autonomously generating new data through the analysis and correlation of disparate data points. Newly generated data, information and insights are not present in the origin data points. Origins, locations, and sources present in the origin data points are not accessible in the newly generated data point providing a security exchange and protecting privacy and anonymity.
This USPTO-granted AI and Blockchain technology patent (Patent No. 11,977,584) is part of a much larger Intellectual Property (IP) protection strategy consisting of patents and trade secrets that constitute the underlying systems and methodologies of the Jumptuit Group’s technologies.
“Jumptuit has designed a system and method accurate and fast enough to dramatically improve data-driven decision-making and enable organizations to dynamically pivot in an accelerated and uncertain world,” said Inventor and Jumptuit Founder and CEO, Donald Leka. “Jumptuit’s fusion of AI and Blockchain technology improves data integrity and transparency, speed and accuracy of data analysis and correlation, streamlines the secure exchange of sensitive data, locations, and sources, and improves data center cost efficiencies. Jumptuit’s AI search engine, secure data exchange, and data correlation engine work together as one autonomous solution to access material data points from disparate siloed sources and continuously generate correlated metadata and targeted information and insights, transformative to decision-making in all sectors and industries, including Finance, Insurance, Energy, Critical Minerals, Transport & Logistics, Healthcare, Government, and Aerospace & Defense.”
The Jumptuit Group
The Jumptuit Group (TJG) dynamically tracks anomalous external factors across regions and sectors, the clustering of cross-sector elements and constitution of events, and the geolocations, market sectors, industries, and entities likely to be impacted.
TJG dynamically assesses jurisdictional, sector, industry, company, asset class, and goods and commodities risk. Unexpected geopolitical, environmental, or public health events that germinate in a region or sector can now more quickly be seen, and the trajectory and time of impact estimated, reducing external shock to market sectors, industries, and companies.
Dynamic intelligence and scenario forecasting is provided to governmental and intergovernmental organizations and S&P 500 and private companies, enabling dynamic contingency planning so that decision makers can avoid, circumvent, or bypass the full impact of events.
Highly nuanced individualized intelligence is provided to employees based on their workflow and project responsibilities, activities, schedules, and itineraries mitigating risk throughout the organization.
TJG provides quantum reductions in the time allocated to performing data search and retrieval and information assessment, and quantum reductions in the Cost of Risk (COR).