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Genesis J2T Live Real-Time Geopolitical Risk Indices Forecasting Global Systemic Risk


Protecting Cross-Border Transactions and Payments, Cross-Currency Conversions,

Cross-Border Financing, Investments, Trade, and Credit from Geopolitical Shocks

Geopolitical Event Inflection Points for Algorithmic FX Trading

NEW YORK, Jan. 13, 2025 — Jumptuit is pleased to announce the launch of live real-

time geopolitical risk indices to our Genesis J2T Anticipatory Intelligence solution for

financial institutions, forecasting global systemic risk and shocks to global political and economic systems and financial markets.

Under the aegis of Genesis J2T’s new cross-border transaction suite, financial

institutions will be able to protect against global event risk and shocks to cross-border transactions and payments, cross-currency conversions, cross-border financing, investments, trade, and credit.

Genesis J2T monitors cross-border and local market conditions without human

intervention and autonomously forecasts global events that are disruptive to cross-

border transactions, including central bank policy, currency fluctuations, vulnerable

supply chains, environmental disasters, trade tensions and disputes, threats of tariffs,

export taxes, boycotts, trade embargoes, and economic sanctions, regulatory

changes, expropriations, sudden large-scale capital inflows and outflows, capital flight, outbreaks of social unrest, political instability, territorial disputes, wars, regional conflicts, terrorist attacks, and cyberattacks.

Genesis J2T is designed for global stakeholders affected by geopolitical events,

including intergovernmental organizations, jurisdictions, multi-national companies, and the intermediaries in the global financial payments system, including the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), T2 Real-Time Gross

Settlement (RTGS) System, Clearing House Interbank Payments System (CHIPS), as

well as Clearinghouses, Settlement Banks, Correspondent Banks, and Payment

Service Providers (PSPs).

Genesis J2T: Anticipatory Intelligence

Genesis J2T exhibits an innate inquisitiveness spontaneously generating queries to

acquire data in order to understand what combinations of cross-sector factors are

responsible for fluctuations in geopolitical dynamics and environmental conditions, and forecasting potential impacts on global political and economic systems and financial markets.

Genesis J2T has live access to massive real-time cross-sector data sets through its

Global Sensory Intelligence (GSI) and Global Data Nets (GDNs). Genesis J2T

synchronizes global observation of atmospheric, terrestrial, and oceanic conditions,

and human activity and artificial systems across every geographic region, jurisdiction, and sector continuously collecting real-time data in increments of milliseconds,

seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months.

This allows for continuous learning without human intervention derived through a

process of uninterrupted observation of cross-sector conditions, active collection of

data through dynamically generated queries in response to observed changes in

conditions, live assessments of the cross-sector data collected, and dynamic

observation-based forecasting of future conditions, risks, and opportunities.

Genesis J2T continuously runs cross-sector risk computations to discover and

understand different combinations of cross-sector risk variables that can threaten

global political and economic systems and financial markets, increasing the speed and

improving the accuracy of forecasting.

Genesis J2T’s global coverage encompasses 200 countries and territories and 120

currencies providing visibility into future exchange rate volatility and the value of future wholesale and retail cross-border transactions.

Contrasting Genesis J2T Anticipatory Intelligence with Generative AI

Generative AI typically relies on a large body of training data that is labeled by humans to train the AI to carry out a task, and the feedback loop for new learning/retraining typically requires sending the results generated by AI to annotators for relabeling and then retraining the AI using the reviewer-labeled data.

A global industry has emerged that funnels training data to millions of human data annotators around the world for labeling/relabeling. This global data annotation workforce, manually generating billions of labels for Generative AI to consume, is recruited largely from countries in the global south, including Kenya, Madagascar, South Africa, Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela, Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, and India, operating from schools and technical training facilities, repurposed call centers, and as freelancers working from home.

It is therefore not logistically feasible for Chatbots powered by Generative AI to provide live real-time monitoring, information, assessments, and forecasting of geopolitical events; furthermore, Generative AI is prone to disseminating disinformation and misinformation due to human intervention at all stages.

Ongoing and future geopolitical events cannot be anticipated or addressed in a timely

or accurate way by current Generative AI systems that rely on human intervention from data classification, to content moderation, to data annotation and labeling historical content. Chatbots and Generative AI can only be backward-looking from a data standpoint, not forward-looking, especially considering the dependence on the human intervention feedback loop that is too slow to respond to dynamic geopolitical events and forecast with any degree of accuracy.

“Geopolitical events can occur suddenly with immediate consequences for the global

order, impacting cross-border transactions in a matter of seconds, minutes, or hours,”

said Inventor and Jumptuit Founder and CEO, Donald Leka. “But impellent cross-

sector factors precede events. Genesis J2T allows for live assessments of changing

conditions and dynamic forecasting through continuous learning without human biases inherent in label classifications and human error in data labeling, and with 100% transparency of sources.”



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